
You write on the table.
You put your plate on the table.
You use your laptop on the table.
You basically need a table for almost everything.

A table has become something that is a part of our lives. Permanently. It’s everywhere. I mean not literally everywhere but you need a table for a lot of things. It’s like when you enter a home without any table, you’d be able to notice the difference. But when a table was first invented, was its purpose to make our lives easier or a must-have?

What happens when there is no table? You struggle. You have to search a stable area to eat your food or maybe use alternatives to make eating more comfortable. You struggle to write in your best handwriting by laying that paper flat on the floor or wall. You use your hands or thighs to support the laptop so you’ll be able to type. And the possibilities goes on.

You probably think I’m insane or just not in the right type of mind typing shit away about tables. A f****** table. Before you could judge me smartypants, let me tell you something. It takes someone who is DEEP to relate the existence of a table to y(our) life.

Think about it. A table is a must have because it makes my, your, OUR lives easier. But the very first reason of it was to simplify our lives BUT we human totally depended on it WE made it a must-have! In other words, we get too attached to something in our lives that we constantly need it or we would feel empty or almost awkward without it!

“IT” could be anything. I don’t have to give examples cause it would be a long one I assure you. Maybe if we try to detach a little bit and find other alternatives, we could find something more better or more worthy of knowing or maybe keeping. If it doesn’t work then you know at least you came out of your comfort zone and try searching for something different and know why it was there in the first place.

Don’t be afraid of having nothing to depend on. Things are there so you could use it or keep it BUT nothing was made to last. Come out of your shell. Or else ask yourself, “Are you really happy or just really comfortable?”

